Author Benefits

Articles and research papers published in MCJMH are available for open access.

Open access offers a number of benefits to the authors that includes –

Pan global web exposure for your articles

  1. To preserve your research online
  2. Wider reach for your articles
  3. Digital platform for knowledge sharing

Easy submission

Submission of articles and research papers at our digital platform is made easy and user friendly. At one click you can submit your articles online

Comprehensive peer review

Manuscripts are evaluated and reviewed by experienced editors and reviewers in your field.


The final version of your manuscripts will be published online within 30 days of acceptance

Pan Global web exposure

Enhanced search options gives global reach for your articles. Articles are promoted in enhanced web browsing that ensures wider visibility.


To encourage good writing and research skills every month a featured article is highlighted on the journal home page and may be selected to appear in the partner websites also. This will enhance wider reach and more visibility of your contents.